Benefits of drinking enough water
October 15, 2019
Understanding your skin type
October 31, 2019

During the summer time my taste buds crave something sweet and what better than fruits? I am a sucker for fruits, it doesn’t matter whether it is liquidised or in a salad, it is just amazing. The best thing about fruit: it is a natural sugar which helps in controlling your weight! How cool is that you can eat sweet stuff without gaining weight! I LOVE IT! Here I am going to list you a few of my favourite smoothie recipes that you can try out.

Please note: These recipes contain no sugar – sugar will be replaced with honey!

1. Strawberry and Pineapple

If you are looking for a sweet but yet refreshing smoothie to start off your Monday morning then this is the one! Trust me this smoothie will have you begging for more!

What you need:

  • 4 Tablespoons of Greek yogurt

  • ½ a cup of Almond Milk (Regular milk can work as well)

  • Bowl of Strawberries & Pineapple (Frozen or fresh – but fresh are the best)

  • Honey (Optional)

  • Ice


  • In the blender combine all ingredients – it is always better to start with the “hard” ingredients first such as ice and work your way up to the liquids.

  • Pour some into a glass

ENJOY your amazing breakfast!

2. Kiwi and Cherries

This is for that Tuesday morning wake-up call! There is nothing like fresh kiwis and cherries to start off the day; or even better yet: to serve as a lunch!

What you need:

  • Bowl of cherries (frozen or fresh)

  • 1 cup of ice

  • 1 Kiwi chopped and peeled

  • 1 cup of almond milk (regular milk can work as well)

  • 1 tablespoon of chai seeds


  • In the blender combine all ingredients – it is always better to start with the “hard” Ingredients first such as ice and work your way up to the liquids.

  • If it’s too bitter add 1 tablespoon of honey.

  • Blend it all together.

  • Pour and enjoy the refreshing taste of cherries and kiwis

3. Peanut butter and Strawberries

I am definitely not a fan of peanut butter – but when I tasted this smoothie, I was shocked! This is my Wednesday smoothie and this gets my energy flowing!

What you need:

  • Bowl of strawberries

  • 1 Whole banana

  • ¼ cup peanut butter

  • 1 cup of milk

  • 1 cup of ice


  • In the blender combine all ingredients – it is always better to start with the “hard” ingredients first such as ice and work your way up to the liquids.

  • Blend it all together.

  • Pour into a glass and top it off with a slice of peanut brittle.


4. Spinach and mango smoothie

Now it is time to go green. This is the best way to start your day and get all the nutrients that you need. This is an all green smoothie with a touch of yellow!

What you need:

  • 1 ½ cup baby spinach

  • 1 mango

  • 1 banana

  • Juice of 1 Lemon

  • 1 cup of ice


  • In the blender combine all ingredients – it is always better to start with the “hard” ingredients first such as ice and work your way up to the liquids.

  • Blend it all together.

  • Pour it into a glass and top it off with some mango!

5. Almond and banana

We all know how many benefits almonds and bananas have! Imagine mixing them together!!! This is a delicious smoothie to start off your Thursday morning with! This is an easy recipe you can accomplish with ingredients you always have on hand!

What you need:

  • Almond butter

  • >Bananas

  • Ground flax seeds

  • Unsweetened almond milk

  • Plain Greek yogurt

  • Honey

  • Almond extract (Just a few drops)

Please note: Measure the ingredients – if you want extra bananas ADD THEM!


  • In the blender combine all ingredients – it is always better to start with the “hard” ingredients first such as ice and work your way up to the liquids.

  • Blend it all together.

  • Top it off with a slice of banana and some almond!

  • Enjoy every sip.

6. Blueberry and Avocado

We will leave the exotic smoothie for Friday! Avocado is something I would never even think about when I make a smoothie but this is my new favourite smoothie. Throw away any negative thoughts and just try it!

What you will need:

  • ½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

  • ½ cup Plain Greek yogurt

  • 1 Cup baby spinach

  • ½ cup frozen blueberries

  • ½ Ripe Avocado

  • 2-3 teaspoons honey


  • Place ingredients in a blender in the order listed and blend until smooth.

  • Transfer to a glass and top it off with some blueberries and coconut flakes.

  • ENJOY your exotic drink!

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