Types of engagement rings
June 24, 2020
Beauty Tips for woman to try
July 7, 2020

Snacks can be very tempting most of the time, without even considering a snack it just comes to mind and never seems to leave. When choosing a snack make sure to choose one that is full of nutrients and proteins to help boost your metabolism and burn those calories. Eating a healthy snack can also prevent you from craving unhealthy foods.
Make sure next time when you visit the shops to add these items to your grocery list.

1. Nuts

We all know how important and GOOD nuts can be. They are a good snack for when you are in a hurry as they give you energy and contain a lot of protein. Nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fibre and vitamin E. There are so many nuts to choose from, and the best part is you can eat them raw or roasted.
Side note: Avoid adding flavour as it can contain sugar or salt.

2. Popcorn

Popcorn is one of my favourite snacks! It always reminds me of the movies. Popcorn is awesome, as it contains several important nutrients such as Vitamins, minerals and polyphenol antioxidants.
PLEASE NOTE: When we are discussing popcorn we are talking about REAL popcorn that you make yourself and not microwave popcorn. Not only does popcorn help with weight loss, it also helps to keep your sugar in check and it may prevent diseases and boost your eyesight. If this is not enough reason to eat popcorn then I do not know what is.

3. Apple slices with peanut butter

Have you ever tried this? This is a great combination. I LOVE it. Apples help to improve the digestive system and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Peanut butter on the other hand it tasty and has a lot of benefits for us namely: weight loss, a healthy heart, reduces the risk of diabetes and promotes strong bones. WOW! That is a lot! Make sure to consume peanut butter moderately.
TO TRY: A medium apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter.

4. Dark Chocolate

My mom absolutely loves dark chocolate. I never knew why until I become older and now, I understand everything. Dark chocolate is an awesome snack to give you that feeling that you are still consuming chocolate but it’s healthy!

5. Celery Sticks

Celery is very low in calories, in fact celery is considered a negative-calorie food. Celery is full of water which can help to make your stomach feel full. Celery also contains a variety of antioxidants which can help protect your organs against oxidative damage. Isn’t that wonderful?

Make sure to add them to your diet in the future.

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