Healthy smoothie recipes
October 17, 2019
The importance of facial toners
December 17, 2019

I cannot express how important it is to know what skin type you have. Why you may ask – well just like we use different perfumes because of your skin, the same applies to your face. You need to know which skin type you have, to get the perfect foundation, moisturizer and toners. There are 5 different skin types, make sure to identify yours! We all know there are a variety of products out there for each skin type, but how do we know which products are perfect for you? Please note that your skin type will not be the same as it was when you were 20 – your skin changes with climate, hormones and diet. Below is a list of the 5 types of skins, make sure to understand yours!

1. Dry skin

Dry skin can be a pain when not looked after. When I was younger, I had dry skin and finding the perfect foundation was a real frustration. The first sign that you have dry skin is that your skin will appear dull and lifeless. The reason for your skin looking dull is because it is covered with a layer of dead skin cells. When the light hits your face, it reflects from different parts of these skin cells. There are many factors that play a role with dry skin. VERY IMPORTANT – KEEP YOUR SKIN HYDRATED. Stay away from over-exfoliating, and hot showers. Make sure when you purchase beauty products that they do not contain detergents or sulphates, which can irritate the skin. When you have dry skin make use of a cream and not a lotion. Why? Cream contains more oil, which can help your skin to stay hydrated!

2. Oily skin

The word oily is used to describe a skin with high sebum production. Your skin has natural oils to keep itself moisturized – but with oily skin it tends to be going into overdrive. Oily skin tends to have frequent breakouts and an oily gleam during the day. There are a number of factors that can trigger oily skin, for example: genetics, medication, stress and hormonal changes. When you have oily skin, avoid thick creams and moisturizers. This doesn’t mean that your skin doesn’t need to be hydrated. According to Lindsay Lowe, an author from Today, you should hydrate your skin with hyaluronic acid. Luckily this ingredient can be found in many moisturizers.

3. Sensitive skin

Sensitive is an excellent word to describe this skin type – your skin will have symptoms like: acne, stinging or burning, a red itchy rash and contact dermatitis. People with sensitive skin should avoid products that are harsh – your skin will have different reactions to different products, make sure you test them out first before applying the product to your face. Luckily this isn’t a permanent skin type. Sensitive skin can be caused by over scrubbing or over exfoliating.

4. Combination skin

According to dermatologist, Leslie Baumann, this cannot be defined as an actual skin type like oily or dry skin. In a combination skin the skin types vary from your T-zones and cheeks. Combination skin type can be characterized with an oily T-zone, large pores and normal to dry cheeks. The is where the trouble starts. Dermatologists recommend using different types of products for the different sections on your face.

5. Normal skin

There is actually no definition for normal skin – normal skin all depends on what is normal to you. Normal skin is a skin type which can tolerate a variety of products without over reacting. Normal skin refers to a well-balanced skin. How do we identify normal skin? Well normal skin has the following characteristics : fine pores, good blood circulation and no blemishes. As you age your normal skin can turn into dry skin

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