The different types of makeup brushes and uses
June 13, 2019
Benefits of Pilates
July 23, 2019

As long as I can remember my hair was full of curls. I always hated them because they were impossible to keep under control – one day they would look fabulous and the following day it looks like you never even heard of the word shampoo or brush. Keeping these babies under control was one of my biggest issues and I would always end up doing a messy bun (which doesn’t look too shabby). I decided I have had enough, so I stumbled across these amazing tips for managing curly hair.

1. Make use of Aloe Vera

There are numerous of ways that Aloe Vera can help to contain your curls. Aloe Vera is a natural product that contains water, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 phyotonutrients. Aloe Vera is a natural product and is excellent for curly hair, smoothing out the cuticles to provide lustrous hair. Aloe

Vera can be used in many ways for example:

  • Pre-Shampoo – What on earth is pre-shampoo? Pre-shampoo means applying a protective treatment to your hair before you lather up. This is applied to your hair anywhere from half an hour to a day before washing your hair. Aloe Vera helps to hydrate your hair and leaves your scalps pH levels balanced. Gently message the gel into your scalp and leave on for about 10+ min. Gently rinse your hair before you start to shampoo it.

  • Shampoo – Buying a shampoo containing Aloe Vera may help to hydrate your scalp and hair even more. Next time when you buy shampoo take a look at the ingredients and take time to test out one containing Aloe Vera.

  • Conditioner – If your hair is “heavy” curled it may cause the natural oils to be trapped in the roots. Amino acids help give your hair the moisture it needs and conditions your hair. As we already explained Aloe Vera has 20 amino acids! This is the same concept as the shampoo, take your time and choose a conditioner containing Aloe Vera.

  • Aloe Vera Gel – We all use gel as a styling product, what about replacing that gel with some Aloe Vera gel. This will help give you that curl definition you always wanted. Please Note: This may not work on type 4 Coilies, make sure to test in on a small strand first.

  • Detangling – It is no easy task to comb out these curls. Use Aloe Vera to make your own detangling product. This product will only consist out of natural products, mix them together in a spray bottle and use when needed.


    • 240 ml distilled water

    • 1 Tea spoon Aloe Vera gel

    • 1 – 2 drop glycerine

    • 1 – 2 drops essential oils

    • 10 – 15 drops grapefruit seed extract

2. Coconut oil does wonders

This is no secret that coconut is good for your hair. Coconut oil has many benefits for a person’s hair, first and most common one is that coconut oils help to hydrate your hair. You can also use coconut oil for pre-shampooing. Coconut oil does not only hydrate your hair but gives it strength and a shine. This is excellent for curly hair as curly hair tends to look dry and broken. Coconut also helps to prevent frizz, which can be a huge issue is you start to brush your hair.

3. Avocados

Not only good to eat but good for your hair as well! Avocados as well as avocado oil have a great ability to penetrate your hair allowing your hair to become hydrated. Take an avocado mash it up with and mix with 2 teaspoons of PLAIN yogurt. Apply to your hair as a deep conditioner leaving it on for an hour. Wash off using shampoo. For effective results do this 1 or 2 a week.

4. Eggs

I know this is an odd tip… Egg yolk may help your hair to resist damage. Egg yolk may help grow your hair faster. Eggs can feed your hair with the protein it needs. Now that we have established that eggs can be good for your hair!

Lets try applying it:

Here is a simple recipe for an egg hair mask.

Using Aloe Vera! BONUS

  • 2 – 3 Table spoons egg yolk

  • 4 – 5 Table spoons Aloe Vera

  • 1 Table spoon lukewarm Olive Oil

Apply the mixture on your onto your hair (including roots) and leave in for about 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

IMPORTANT: If you are allergic to egg please do not use this remedy!!

5. Beer can help

Non – Alcoholic beer and Dark beer may help make your hair more manageable. It softens your hair and helps get rid of that frizz.

How it works:

  1. Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo.

  2. Wash your hair with the beer, make sure it covers the entire hair shaft.

  3. Leave for about 4 – 5 minutes

  4. Wash away with cold water

  5. Repeat once in every 15 days to soften hair

6. Mayonnaise

What? Yes, you read that right. Mayonnaise can be helpful when it comes to controlling those curls. It has a deep hydrating action which make your hair less frizzy and more manageable. This may or my not work, it all depends on the type of mayonnaise and your hair type. If you want to give it a shot here is how:

  1. Make sure your hair is wet

  2. Apply mayonnaise as if you are applying conditioner.

  3. Spread evenly (make sure to get those tips because they tend to dry out more)

  4. Put on shower cap or plastic bag to trap heat

  5. Let it sit for 15 – 20 minutes

Rinse it and style it. Let me know if this worked for you…

7. Henna

We are all familiar with henna tattoos, but did you know you can get henna for hair as well? Henna is a popular beauty ingredient in India. Henna has a lot of benefits installed for you. I personally bought a henna block but haven’t had the time to try it out yet, because it needs to set 4 to 6 hours. Most of the henna doesn’t have any chemicals in and helps in straightening your hair.

Benefits of henna:

  • >Henna boosts your hair growth – As we already discussed henna have natural properties and these properties helps to promote hair growth.

  • Conditions your hair – When henna is combined with hydrating ingredients (eggs), it makes a great conditioner.

  • Can control itchiness on scalp – Henna has natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties. This helps to cool your scalp controlling scalp itchiness.

  • Natural hair dye – This is the main reason I bought mine. This is a great alternative when you do not want to make use of any chemicals in your hair. This a healthier option for your hair.

8. Bananas

Now why on earth would bananas be good for your hair? Bananas are an excellent source of potassium; a single banana contains 23% potassium – this is the percentage you need to take in daily. Bananas do not only benefit your diet but is excellent for your hair as well. Bananas improve manageability and shine; it helps prevent and control dandruff and moisturize your scalp. WOW! That is a lot of stuff… Let’s not forget the main reason bananas are good for you. POTASSIUM! Your hair will love you when you feed it potassium. The potassium helps thicken your hair and gives it the strength it needs.

Here are some recipes for you to try out:

1. Banana and Coconut Hair mask


  • 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil

  • 1 Tablespoon Coconut Milk

  • 1 Ripe Banana

Mash the banana in a bowl. Add the coconut oil and coconut milk. Make sure to mix it well. Apply to dry, clean hair, make sure you cover every inch of hair. Rinse off and shampoo and condition as normal.

2. Banana and Honey mask

This mask is used on fine or thin hair, this help to bring life back to that your locks.


  • 1 – 2 Bananas

  • 1 – 2 Table spoons of honey

Mash Bananas in bowl until smooth – add your honey. Mix well, then apply mixture to clean dry (may also be slightly damp) hair. Cover with shower cap or towel and leave on for 20 – 30 minutes. Rinse out hair mask. Shampoo and condition as normal.

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