Types of braids
March 3, 2020
Make up tips every 4 eyed girl should know
March 10, 2020

The big day is finally here. I get it : you are stressed, and excited at the same moment. Do not worry it’s totally normal. Getting ready in the morning is one of the highlights of the day – you get to spend it with your friends and family. The only thing about this special morning is that the time is going way too fast. Please remember that this is your big day! I am here to help you breeze through your morning routine without forgetting anything – as it can be easy!

1. Do not forget to eat!

This is very important. The day goes by so fast that even eating can slip your mind. Some say they are too anxious to eat but that is no excuse, you do not want to feel bad on this special day. Make sure that you eat a healthy breakfast to get this big day started. It is recommended by OneFabDay that brides have a layered bowl with fresh fruits, natural yogurt, granola and some calming tea to help them start the day. Make sure to stay away from greasy food! Greasy food tends to make you bloated and you may begin to feel queasy as you start to get more stressed.

2. Make time for your parents

Let us not forget the most important people of the day – your parents. I cannot imagine doing a wedding without my parents, I would be so stressed! Thank goodness for my mother and father – always there to calm me. As I know my dad (being his only daughter), the first thing he would say is: “I told you you should have said no”, with follow up words that say: “you look gorgeous – he is lucky to have you.” Parents are just our rocks and DO NOT forget to include them in your special day, take some time during the morning and have breakfast with them, include your mother in your routine when you get ready – and do a first look with your father as well. In the end it is a special day for them too.

3. Practise your vows

If you are like me and have stage fright this might be a smart move. It doesn’t matter how many people attend your wedding – to openly declare your love to someone is a big step, and every sentence and word needs to come out right, am I correct? I have news for you – it is really hard to keep a straight face and not stutter – but that is part of the fun! Just to be safe, go over your vows one last time – make sure everything you want to say is written down , and rehearse it.

Before getting ready make sure all your accessories are ready – it is so easy to lose one earing. Not only is the chance of losing something smaller, but it makes for a great photo. Getting all your accessories ready also helps you to slip into your gown faster as everything is there. BONUS TIP – Swap your heels for flats, you are going to be on your feet the whole day – and we all know how sore heels can make our feet. You do not want to open the dancefloor and BAM your feet are sore. Personally I think that it is easier to wear cute flats on your wedding day.

5. Relax & Unwind

The big day is here – there is no need for you to be on your phone. If you are worried about the last details, give your phone to a trusted friend or your bridesmaid to handle it for you. You NEED to relax, take a warm hot bubble bath with a glass of champagne and RELAX. Your wedding day is all about being present in the moment, everybody you love is already at your wedding – there is no need to post something or to talk to someone. Just sit back and get ready for your big day.

6. Drink water

Being so busy on this day, drinking water is the last thing on your mind. If you do not drink enough water it can lead to a headache which would crush your mood. The best tip we can give you here is to start drinking water as early as possible – going to the bathroom in your wedding dress isn’t one of the easiest tasks ever, but it is important to stay hydrated.

7. Clean your ring

If you think your ring got attention when you got Engaged, think again. When you get married people are going to look at the ring, when you take photos there will be close ups, when you walk past someone, they would want to take a quick look at your ring. Make sure your ring is shiny and clean, and ready to show off.

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