Healthy snacks for you to eat
July 3, 2020
Benefits of lotion
July 22, 2020

Beauty is on every woman’s priority list. We want to be beautiful without doing any hard work. We want to have flawless skin without putting any make up on – it’s just how girls are.

Here are some beauty tips you can try to help freshen up your face.

1. Make use of a face mask

What is a face mask?
There are a variety of face masks available which target specific concerns on your skin. Different masks have different functions such as hydrating your skin, removing the excess oil and helping to improve the appearance of your pores./

There are 3 reasons why a mask is important to incorporate into your skin care routine:

It helps to unclog pores: Make sure you use a facemask that contains Bentonite clay. This helps to remove dirt, absorb the excess oils and remove build-up of dead skin. The BEST PART is it helps to unclog pores as well. A regular face mask helps to keep your skin clean.

Helps overall regimen: A mask helps to boost all your face products What do we mean by this? You know all those lotions you apply on your skin each morning, your serums etc. They are all absorbed into your skin. Using a face mask can help these lotions to penetrate the skin quicker and deeper.
Deep cleansing: Yeah, we all take off our makeup with some makeup remover, that doesn’t necessarily mean we are deep cleansing it. We are just simply removing the dirt, oil and makeup. A good facial mask helps your skin to draw out impurities that hide beneath the skin.

2. Removing those dark circles from underneath your eyes

Dark circles and puffy eyes tend to make you look older than you really are. That is not the goal – we want to look younger than we really are! Dark circles under your eyes can be caused by a variety of reasons for example, lack of sleep or stress. Make sure to click HERE to find some healthy ways to get rid of those puffy eyes.

3. Make sure to wear some curls

Curls can be so romantic and easy to style. When styling your curls make sure you use a heat protector in order to save your hair from all the damage the curling iron can do to your hair. When you remove the curling iron – make sure to let the curl “cool down” before applying hair spray.

4. Doing your nails

A manicure is always fun – especially when somebody else does it for you. You do not need to stress about it and can just sit back and enjoy the moment. Unfortunately, as I would love to treat myself every month, sometimes I need to man up and do it myself. Here is a trick I found from that works wonders. Make sure to apply Vaseline on your skin surrounding your nails to keep all the unwanted nail polish from coming onto your skin. Wait for you manicure to dry and then remove the Vaseline.

5. Don’t rub

This is a tip we tell all our costumers wen they buy a perfume. Make sure not to rub your wrist together after applying perfume as it breaks the molecules and the scent tends to fade out faster.

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