How to cure acne scars
September 12, 2019
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September 19, 2019

Who else here is a fan of honey? I am definitely one! Combining honey with your oatmeal, or using it as sugar in your tea. There is no better combination. Have you ever thought of combining honey and water? Did you know that honey water has a lot of benefits for us? If you want you can add some lemon in as well! Let me know what you think of these benefits.

1. Clear skin

This is a benefit we all hear about water and honey! The antibacterial nature of honey is perfect for treating acne. Drinking honey water can help clear your skin from the inside.

BONUS: You can apply the honey water to your face as well!

2. Boost immune system

Honey has anti-inflammatory properties and can be applied on scars or burns to help it heal faster. Honey can also help fight off illness. Drinking honey water can also help with oral health by preventing the build-up of dental plaque and gingivitis. WOW! So many health benefits. Make use of organic honey. Why? Organic honey is full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals which can protect you against bacteria.

3. Energy, energy, energy

Here it’s time to give coffee a break and try something new, something better! Make use of HONEY WATER. According to Kristiena Sartorelli, an author of life hack, your body works in the same way a plant does. You need to keep it hydrated for it to function to its fullest. By adding some honey into this equation, it serves as a natural sugar to give you the energy you are searching for!

4. Bye, bye weight

Isn’t it every girl’s dream, to just drink something and then you weight just starts to melt away? Well I am here to give you some good news. Honey helps to keep your blood sugar more stable. I know what you are thinking: Honey has sugar and sugar is bad for weight! You are correct honey does have sugar in it, but a NATURAL sugar, meaning it provides healthy calories. Next time you crave something sweet try eating a spoon full of honey, or drinking some honey water!

5. Soothe a sore throat

This is AMAZING. Every time I am sick, I mix a tablespoon of honey into my tea (make sure it’s black tea) and it works like a charm, you can also mix it with warm water it gives the same result. You can even add a slice of lemon for that extra Vitamin C. The honey helps to coat the sore throat while the warm water soothes.

6. Reduce your allergies

Use raw honey for making this honey water. This helps to reduce your susceptibility to environmental allergies. The honey is the main ingredient here and you can eat it alone as well – the warm water doesn’t play a big role here but keeping hydrated is NEVER a bad thing!

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